Your quiz results put you in an exclusive category I call:
💪 ‘The Resilient Few‘ 💪
It’s precisely where you want to be if the world goes sideways…
And I know you didn’t get here by accident!
You’re fully aware we’re living in the most FRAGILE SOCIETY ever to walk this earth…
For example:
- Very few people haul, chop, and burn their own firewood 🪓
- Almost no one raises their own livestock or grows crops at scale 🥕
- Most folks have no idea how to live without electricity or refrigeration ⚡
So, in the event of severe disruptions to our modern systems… the fragile masses are screwed 1,000 ways to Sunday.
Of course, this ISN’T news to YOU…
But with the upcoming elections and the potential chaos heading our way, NOW is the time to shore things up.
And no matter which candidate wins [on November 5, 2024], the world may go ‘off the rails’ anyway… 💥 I honestly think there’s only a short window before it’s too late.
And anyone who’s still a part of ‘The Fragile Masses” OR “Messy Middle’ will suffer.
- So WHY aren’t MORE folks doing something about it?
- Why don’t MORE people (like you and me) invest in our resiliency?
I mean, the idea of living a resilient life is NOT new.
It’s very old – ancient, in fact… 🏛️
It’s rooted in Greek philosophy, which understood the extreme benefits of hardship and struggle.
That challenge is NOT an obstacle to avoid! It’s an essential ingredient to creating purpose and meaning in your life.
Why? Because mastering a skill, building an enterprise, and achieving a life you can be proud of requires you to confront pain, hardship, and fear head-on.
AND it’s the virtue of RESILIENCY that gets us through:
- short-term pain to acquire wisdom
- from temporary fear into enduring courage
- and occasional suffering into a lasting spirit of strength
But over the centuries, this ancient message became lost in the sea of modernity.
Extreme comfort and luxury are the ideas that NOW rule the day.
Today, MOST folks think the struggle is no longer necessary for improvement.
That hardship is no longer considered something to learn from but to be avoided at all costs.
Nowadays, most people are trapped in lives where nearly everything necessary to survive is available on a platter or at the push of a button. (👇-click)
We are at the point where we no longer have to leave our homes for basic supplies such as food, water, or sanitation products (i.e., same-day shipping…)
But all this comfort, luxury, and ease have dangerous consequences.
Without real challenges, your mind, spirit, and body slowly atrophy.
You fail to improve, your relationships suffer, and your spirit deteriorates. 🤕
Instead, modern humans tend to conjure up silly ‘first-world problems’ instead of appreciating all the insane luxury around them.
And I’m not talking about extreme luxuries such as Yachts and Calamari – I’m talking about the modern and standard American wonders of:
- Indoor Plumbing
- High-Speed Transportation
- Internet Access
- & Heat / Air Conditioning
Today, most people will do anything to avoid even mild discomforts.
They circle a parking lot for 10 minutes to find a spot right next to the building– instead of parking where healthy, resilient people park (in the back of the lot).
They’re driven by a need to avoid challenges and take the easy path whenever possible.
They’re the people who choose to ride the elevator to their Stairmaster class…
And then ride home on their shiny motorized sofa to gorge themselves on the endless buffet of mind-numbing content (e.g., Netflix, Hulu, etc.) while lying across their memory foam bed.
- But is this the ‘Good Life’ we all crave?
- Are we happier because of it?
- Is this what “success” looks like?
I believe whenever something is gained, something else is lost.
For example:
You’ve heard the old saying, “Use it or lose it.” It’s as simple as that.
What do you become if you don’t have a purpose in your life (and choose NOT to hone your God-given talents or challenge yourself daily)?
You become overweight, lazy, depressed, lonely, sick, selfish, entitled, and envious of others.
Sound familiar?
To me, it sounds a lot like modern society.
If more comfort and luxury were the answer to happiness, we’d all be in a constant state of euphoric delight with shit-eating grins plastered from ear to ear across our faces, right? 😁
So why does it seem like the more luxury and comfort we have, the more miserable we’ve become?
What’s going on?
Comfort & Luxury Are Modern-Day Diseases!
They undermine our basic need for ‘purposeful struggle’ and ‘meaningful hardships.’
BUT humans need these to thrive…
If real challenges are not part of our daily routine, we’ll invent ‘silly problems’ to replace them.
For example:
Before modern technologies (such as indoor plumbing, temperature-controlled rooms, 24-hour news, washing machines, dishwashers, automatic garage doors, electricity, etc.), people didn’t have time to wallow in self-pity.
Back then, if you took a “personal self-pity day,” you could starve or freeze to death. 🛠️
Before modern technology, life was harder – no doubt.
- Every family member had daily chores.
- And not meaningless tasks but ones that truly mattered.
The feeling of contribution and accomplishment was alive and well for everyone who lived a frontier lifestyle.
- There was always firewood to chop, livestock to feed, and cows to milk.
- There were gardens to tend, fish to catch, roofs to fix, cellars to stock, animals to hunt, meat to smoke, and so on…
“The Fragile Masses” today reject such “difficult” activities.
They see such tasks as beneath them… no longer necessary, and too much work.
But they don’t think twice about spending hours in climate-controlled gyms to burn excess calories from their latest fast-food binge.
As “The Resilient Few,” we look at things differently…
We appreciate that we no longer need to chop wood, plant backyard gardens, hunt, and forage to survive.
But we tend to do many of these tasks anyway.
Why? Because we WELCOME the challenge and resiliency such activities provide. 💪
‘The Resilient Few’ crave more responsibility in their life.
Preparing, adapting, and overcoming life’s struggles is in our DNA.
It gives us a reason to get up in the morning excited.
Doing so gives us an abundant sense of accomplishment.
Because there’s nothing better than hitting the pillow exhausted yet overwhelmed with pride and satisfaction.
The Resilient Life™ is not trying to undermine “progress” and “technological advancement.”
I’m not suggesting we all start buying washboards to do our laundry or throwing out our toilets in favor of outhouses.
The point is NOT to reject all human advancements.
Much of this progress is excellent and should be used with extreme gratitude. 🙏
However, focusing on living a Resilient Life reminds us that happiness is not found in doing less… but in finding a reason and purpose to do more.
To focus your life on SOMETHING THAT MATTERS!
And what could matter more than making yourself more resilient to life’s hardships?
Living A Resilient Life
Our forefathers and ancestors were often forced to focus their efforts on survival.
They didn’t need a reminder to live a resilient life – they either did so or died.
But we do.
In today’s distracted culture, we must actively swim against the “lazy” current. 🏊
We must educate ourselves that “going with the flow” won’t make you happier but will make you fragile.
And that’s what extreme comfort and luxury breeds:
Let me ask you something:
Do these sound like traits of someone who’s fragile?
Overweight, tired, lazy, depressed, lonely, sick, selfish, envious.
Yes, they do.
What about these traits?
Fit, energized, busy, fulfilled, friendly, healthy, caring, giving, grateful, and kind.
To me, those sound like someone who’s confident and resilient.
So, to live a better life in today’s modern society, we need a new goal.
A real challenge.
Something to replace the desire for mere comfort or more stuff.
That’s why I created “The Resilient Life™.”
To become more resilient to life’s ups and downs, you must learn new skills.
- You must try new things.
- You must overcome new obstacles.
- You must step up to meaningful challenges.
You must continually prepare for future surprises, shocks, and disasters.
Why? Because tough times are inevitable.
Whether it’s a personal emergency, a local crisis, or a national disaster, “STUFF” will happen; there’s no escape.
You can either pretend this is not your reality or embrace this truth and take action.
That’s why you should become more mentally, physically, and emotionally resilient.
The Unprepared Are Not Resilient
“Not seeing a tsunami or an economic event coming is excusable, building something fragile to them is not.” – Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Building a life that depends on a smooth operating society is beyond foolish.
History is one big lesson that change and chaos are imminent.
Sure, there are the occasional decades of relative calm here and there — short spans of peace and prosperity.
But like the weather changing from calm to a storm in the blink of an eye, society can go from peace to war.
- Go from calm to chaos.
- Go from wealthy to poor overnight.
That’s why living with no extra provisions or water is downright irresponsible.
- It’s negligent.
- It’s dangerous.
The more fragile individuals there are, the more fragile our society becomes.
So, to break the mold and live a resilient life, you must prepare for an uncertain future.
Sure, you can mentally prepare, become physically strong, and become skilled at many tasks.
But without ‘strategic backups’ in place – you’re NOT living a resilient life.
You’re just messing around.
Now, I’m not suggesting everyone needs to prepare for a Doom’s Day event…
If that’s your choice, great. You’ve got a lot of work ahead of you.
But every responsible adult must have, at minimum, a basic plan for future emergencies.
Why? Because the future is always uncertain.
It’s full of surprises and change.
I mean, if you’re not willing to prepare for a disaster, you’re essentially saying:
“Modern society has it all figured out. We know how to avoid all future catastrophes.” “This time, it’s different – sure, history is full of chaos and suffering, but THAT’s all in the past now.”
“And even if something bad does happen, our government won’t let its citizens suffer for long.”
These are dangerous ways to think.
If these statements sound like you, you’re in the wrong place.
You’re one of ‘The Fragile Masses.’
Happy and content to remain ignorant.
So good luck to you.
But if you reject those ideas.
If you believe in personal responsibility and accountability.
If you appreciate help from others but never assume it or take it for granted.
Then you’re in the right place!
At this point, we can all agree that you should get prepared.
You Should.
It’s now a matter of HOW prepared you should get…
How Much Is Enough?
This is a tough one.
It’s a question each one of us must ask ourselves and choose.
Is there a point of diminishing returns? Maybe.
So how prepared is too much?
It’s very unlikely any disaster in our lifetimes will be anywhere near extinction level.
However, the odds of making it through a lifetime with NO accidents or emergencies is ZERO.
So, what’s the “proper” preparedness amount?
Only you can answer that question, but I can provide some thoughts to help you.
Absolute Bare Minimums
I believe the absolute minimum everyone should have is at least two weeks’ worth of basic provisions (food, water, heat, etc.).
But I’ll be honest; if you’re reading this right now, you should have zero interest in the bare minimum.
One of the fundamental ideas behind resiliency is to thrive in times of chaos.
- How chaotic?
- And for how long?
- We don’t know…
But since the journey of becoming more resilient is a worthwhile goal in its own right, why not set the bar high?
Why not pursue more resiliency for the uncertain future AND live with more purpose today?
To those who get it, this makes perfect sense.
There IS NO contradiction!
Pursuing resiliency makes you more robust, happier, and satisfied.
It also makes you LESS vulnerable to future disasters, bringing peace and tranquility into your life.
At this point, you may be thinking,
“Great, I agree, but how should I start? What do I focus on first?”
To help answer that question, you need a way to measure how prepared you are— to gauge your current level of preparedness and track any future improvements.
I want to introduce you to ‘The Readiness Quiz.’
Readiness Scoring…
As a part of ‘The Resilient Life™,’ you have access to our ‘Readiness Score Quiz.’
This score is a number you get as you progress through ‘The Resilient Life™.’
No, it’s not perfect.
No single score can sum up everything it takes to be resilient.
However, it covers the main preparedness concepts and gets at the heart of where you’re currently at…
Your readiness score can range from 0 to 100 (with 0 meaning you’re in real trouble and 100 meaning you’re about as ready as you can be).
- Most people in the fragile masses start and end in the lower realm (0 to 25).
- The resilient few will quickly ascend into the upper half (75 to 100).
As a guideline, we feel there are 4 stages of your Readiness, as outlined below:
0 – 25:‘ The Frailge Masses’
You are currently part of the “fragile masses, “and you’re still essentially 100% dependent on others and/or the government to rescue you during a major or personal crisis.
As a member of ‘The Resilient Life’, if this is where you’re starting, you don’t want to remain here long...get busy!
25 – 50: Out Of ‘The Fragile Masses’
You’re officially no longer a part of “The Fragile Masses,” and you’re able to take on some of life’s more serious short-term uncertainties.
However, if a crisis lasts more than a few weeks, things will begin to look dire quickly.
Some people may be content to remain at this level of resiliency, but I highly recommend working past this level.
The payoffs in confidence and pride are well worth the effort.
50 – 75: You’ve officially joined “The Resilient Few”.
When trouble inevitably arrives, you’ll be prepared for the worst.
Others will look to YOU for help, support, and rescue.
You should now be less anxious about the uncertain future – knowing you can handle most adverse conditions.
You may even start sleeping better at night and feeling more relaxed because you know in your heart you’re highly resilient.
75 – 100: Mastery.
You’re about as self-reliant as they come.
You’re exceptionally well prepared to survive any major crisis the future can throw at you.
Now, everyone new to ‘The Resilient Life™’ starts with a score of 0 – but if you’re prepared or are willing to start getting prepared, it won’t be at 0 for long.
Why? For a new member, a score of 0 doesn’t mean you’re currently unprepared.
Many new members are currently highly prepared – but a big part of ‘The Resilient Life™’ is accountability.
So, we ask that you PROVE it.
To raise your ‘Readiness Score’ within ‘The Resilient Life™,’ you’ve got to put in some work and effort.
We’ll discuss the point system in more detail shortly (in the Challenges and Badges section of this Handbook).
But for now, just know that once you can PROVE you’ve completed a Challenge or a Badge Requirement, you will earn readiness points.
So, the more challenges and requirements you can PROVE and complete, your Readiness Score will increase.
It’s that simple.
Note: we’ll also go over the PROOF requirement in the badge section of this handbook shortly.
While your current Readiness Score is important, it’s only part of the story.
If you have a lower score than you’d like, that’s okay; you can change it.
That’s what being part of ‘The Resilient Life™’ is all about—providing the information, motivation, and support to achieve a higher ‘Readiness Score.’
Our main goal is to support you in achieving a ‘Readiness Score’ you can be proud of.
A ‘Readiness Score’ that helps you sleep better at night.
If you’re serious about living a resilient life, you should aim for a ‘Readiness Score’ of 60 or above.
Settling for less is a missed opportunity to invest in the benefits ‘The Resilient Life™’ has to offer.
In other words, it would be extremely hard to convince me someone is resilient if they’re not in the upper 50% of the Readiness Score.
But again, living a resilient life is less about where you are right now.
It’s more about making progress, making changes, and improving.
So even if you score in the bottom 20%, that’s OK.
That means you have a lot of satisfying, purpose-filled work ahead of you.
The main difference between those who desire resiliency and those who are content to be fragile is how a low readiness score makes them feel.
If a low score concerns and motivates you, we will support your march toward increased resiliency.
But if a low score doesn’t matter to you, we can’t help.
It’s all about transformation, progress, and your attitude.
And there’s nothing, NOTHING, that can replace the feeling of progress.
And helping you make meaningful progress is what The Resilient Life™ is all about!
Motivation and Progress
We’ve built The Resilient Life™ from the ground up with motivation and progress in mind.
We’re not interested in tossing another “survival guide” at you only to never hear from us again…
- Instead, we’ve created an engaging membership.
- Something I’ve always personally wanted for myself.
- Something that will motivate you.
- Something that will help you finally make good on all your survival and preparedness goals.
To give you a kick in the butt to make real progress.
To empower and inspire you.
To help make meaningful connections with other like-minded resilient members.
We do this in 4 unique ways:
First, you keep track of your progress using our Readiness Score (which we already discussed).
We also motivate you in 3 more ways:
- Weekly Mental Challenges,
- Weekly Physical Challenges and
- Success Badges
So, let’s discuss each of these in further detail…
Weekly Challenges
I believe in the motivational force behind a good challenge.
We’ve all witnessed an epic grade school “double-dog dare” from a conniving friend, right?
That moment when the gloves are off, and your egos on the line…
Now, with great power comes greater responsibility.
And throwing out meaningless or dangerous challenges is a form of abuse.
That’s called hazing, and it can be dangerous. However, a mental or physical challenge can do wonders to motivate you.
To give you a reason to master a new skill or try your hand at a new technique.
Challenges help keep things fresh and exciting.
That’s why, as a member of The Resilient Life™, you’ll get 52 Mental and 52 Physical Resiliency Challenges starting the first week you join.
That’s a year’s worth of Mental and Physical Challenges to engage and motivate you.
To teach you and push you.
And the good news is:
YOU get to decide and control how difficult it is to make each challenge.
Levels Within Each Challenge
Our weekly challenges include 3 levels: Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced.
“Basic” is very easy to complete.
It’s usually a challenge to watch a video or read an article.
However, I recommend only rarely choosing the “basic” option.
“Basic” is only there for those busy weeks in our lives.
For example:
When you’re on a family vacation and can’t commit much time to the challenge.
“Intermediate” is a bit more involved.
It tends to push you out of your comfort zone.
It’s a nudge to get outside and learn a new skill or build something with your hands.
Finally, there’s “Advanced.”
The advanced level within a challenge is not for the faint of heart.
It’s for those craving as many Resilient Life challenges as you can.
It’s the “double-dog dare” of ‘The Resilient Life™’ challenges.
And again, YOU get to decide which level of challenge you want to take on each week.
So, opt for the basic level if you’re swamped at work for one week.
Or maybe the challenge is one you’ve wanted to do for years (like build a debris shelter and sleep in it overnight).
In this example, you’d happily accept the advanced level.
So, the challenges are designed to push you but not overwhelm you.
It’s a way to motivate and not frustrate.
And even if you choose the “basic level” for each challenge, you’ll be a whole lot smarter by the end of them.
You won’t get as much from them as someone who took on higher challenges.
But I guarantee it won’t waste your time either way.
Great, but what’s the difference between a Mental and a Physical Resiliency Challenge?
Mental Resiliency Challenges
I believe you need three main ingredients to be mentally tough:
- Grateful Attitude
- Stoic Mindset
- Immense Patience
I’ll now take a moment to explain WHY I believe these three ingredients create a resilient mind.
1. Grateful Attitude
Living a life full of Frustration is easy.
Just set extremely high expectations for everything you do.
- Expect your birthday to be perfect.
- Expect no traffic on the way to the airport.
- Expect a smooth flight with no delays or turbulence.
- Expect a significant pay raise or bonus EVERY year, and spend the money before you receive the bonus.
- Expect a clean house while raising toddlers.
- Expect no emergencies or surprises.
By setting high (unattainable) expectations, you’re setting yourself up for constant disappointment.
This is what the fragile masses in society do.
If you expect perfection, you’re bound for a life of frustration and heartache.
Instead, as a member of the resilient life, you’ll learn how to enjoy pleasant surprises!
That’s why we focus on lowering our expectations (or at least keeping them in check).
That way, when trouble inevitably comes, we’re not upset.
It was expected.
We were mentally prepared for a mishap!
But you’re happy when things go better than expected (and if you do this right, it usually does).
Life is good.
But you must be careful.
Lowering expectations can turn you into a “Debby Downer” or an “Eeyore.”
It’s annoying to be friends with someone who constantly complains BEFORE anything bad happens.
Sure, they’re never surprised, but they never fully enjoy their life’s blessings either…
So how do you practice lowering expectations without becoming a sad sack?
It’s simple: Gratitude.
Being grateful for the good things in life has many benefits.
The biggest is the daily reminder of all the good things in your life.
When you do this regularly, you change from being ungrateful to blessed.
You stop comparing yourself with those who are better or wealthier.
Instead, you start comparing yourself with those who are worse off.
It’s a positive way to keep your life and expectations in check.
My family does this every night before dinner.
It’s a part of our family meal prayer.
Everyone has an opportunity to share what they’re grateful for that day.
Even if you’re not religious, you can still do this.
Gratitude works regardless of whether you believe in God or not.
However, I avoid repeats and generic answers to make this practice more meaningful.
I put serious thought into what I’m grateful for each day.
For example:
The other day, I saw a blind man struggling to navigate a parking lot.
I started to walk toward him to lend him a guiding hand.
But another friendly couple took him by the arm before I got there.
But that evening, my daily gratitude was for my eyesight.
What a gift it is!
With vision, I get immense joy from watching my kids play.
I get to gaze upon my wife, all dressed up for an evening out.
I can read books, drive a truck, and go on hunting trips.
These are all things that I would miss dearly if I lost my eyesight.
I cherish my gift of sight.
I’m eternally grateful for it. Just imagine how you’d feel if you lost your eyesight when you woke up tomorrow…
You’d be confused, lost, depressed, terrified, and embarrassed.
And let’s say, all of a sudden, out of the blue, it came back.
You’d be so relieved and ecstatic.
It would take a very long time for the happiness of eyesight to wear off.
You’d be so thankful for something nearly everyone takes for granted daily.
So, by feeling genuinely grateful each day, I get to experience immense joy without having to lose my sight first and without experiencing intense grief and loss.
See how this practice can change everything?!?
It helps to put life into a resilient, appreciative perspective.
It helps to keep expectations in check.
But what happens if you do lose your eyesight?
Won’t being so grateful about it today, just make things worse if you ever do lose it?
This is where a Stoic Mindset comes into play.
2. Stoic Mindset
Stoicism is an ancient philosophy.
But don’t let that scare you; it’s quite simple.
Stoicism is a way to become mentally resilient in times of difficulty.
It’s a way to combat high expectations, extreme discomfort, AND future disappointments by embracing intentional hardships.
Intentional hardships, you ask?
Yes, choosing to forgo a luxury is a Stoic Act.
This accomplishes two things.
First, it reinforces gratitude. But instead of just thinking of gratitude, you feel it.
For example:
You might decide to sleep on the hard floor for a night.
What?!? Why?
Because it’ll be a REAL physical reminder of how lucky you are to have a soft bed because soft beds are an extreme luxury, one most of us take for granted.
But if you occasionally sleep on the cold hard floor, you’ll appreciate that bed 1,000 times more.
Seriously, it works.
Nothing makes you appreciate the small (and big) pleasures in life more than a real reminder of them.
Take something away, and you’ll notice, miss it, and feel overjoyed when it’s back.
The second thing it accomplishes is to prepare you for future hardships.
As bad as sleeping on a hard floor is, it didn’t kill you.
You survived.
It likely wasn’t even as bad as it sounded at first.
The more resilient you are, the less something like “sleeping on a hard floor” worries or frightens you.
You’ve done it, and while it wasn’t ideal, it wasn’t as harmful or as scary as you made it out to be.
It’s toughening you up.
Another favorite Stoic Act is to take a cold shower (on purpose)!
Hot water is a luxury.
So, you’ll appreciate the next warm shower so much more by taking a cold shower.
You’ll also be more prepared and resilient if you ever lose the ability to take a hot shower.
Hopefully, you’ll never be forced to lose a hot shower in the long term, but if fate makes it so, you’ll be more mentally prepared for it.
You’re more resilient.
So, by adding a grateful attitude and a stoic mindset – you’re putting yourself in a resilient frame of mind.
You’re living a happier, more fulfilling life.
One where the little things in life make you smile.
And one where mild hardships and struggles don’t bother you.
3. Immense Patience
Those who have little or no patience are typically very frustrated individuals.
A big part of a happy life is accepting a slower pace of life.
To stay in “an unhurried mindset” most of the time.
Sure, there are times when urgency is essential.
Emergencies, for example, are times when haste is best.
However, most of the time, we humans run around in a big hurry for no good reason.
We always hurry to get to the “next important thing” …
But when we reach that “next important thing,” we are already thinking about the “next MORE important thing.”
I always fall into this trap, and I know you do, too.
For example:
Sometimes, when walking my dog, I’ll pull on his leash to hurry him along. Why?
Because I’m BORED.
My dog is having the time of his life sniffing around the park and checking on his “Pee-Mail.”
Since I love my dog, I should relax and practice patience with him.
I want to focus on giving him the freedom to enjoy his walk and permit me to relax.
It’s ok to be bored sometimes.
We are a distracted society nowadays and expect every moment of our lives to be filled with entertainment.
But that’s not a resilient mindset; it’s a fragile one.
Constant distractions and on-demand entertainment make us all more irritable, impatient, crabby, addicted, sloppy, tired, etc.
It’s time to put the smartphone down, take a breath, and enjoy the moment (even if it’s boring).
It’s time to become someone who has Immense Patience.
To start living a more resilient, unhurried life.
And that’s what the Mental Resiliency Challenges are all about.
They combine those three ingredients to help you become a more mentally resilient.
Physical Resiliency Challenges
You should now have a better idea of a “Mental Resilience Challenge”, but what about a “Physical Resilience Challenge”?
These are all about learning new skills: survival skills and preparedness skills.
These challenges teach you and motivate you to get outside and build something.
From building debris shelters to making homemade fish traps.
From making pemmican to acorn flour.
These challenges teach you a new skill you can be proud of – simple as that.
And remember, with each challenge you complete, you gain a readiness score.
However, the challenges are just the start of motivating you to live a more resilient life; we also have “Success Badges.”
These are badges of honor to celebrate your significant Resilient Life milestones.
Success Badges
Beyond the Readiness Score and Weekly Challenges, we’ve also created Success Badges.
Badges are a time-honored tradition of recognizing someone’s achievements.
Badges are used throughout our society, from Boy Scouts to the military.
It’s for those who want to go above and beyond the call of duty.
To master the art of being resilient in all aspects of their lives.
Now, a good badge should never be easy to achieve.
A good badge should symbolize dedication and effort and be worn with a sense of pride.
It’s also a symbol to others of what you’ve achieved and become.
So, we’ve developed a bunch of badges to reward you for your progress.
To provide a small token of appreciation for becoming more resilient.
Now, a badge should never take away the self-satisfaction from personal improvement.
The overwhelming sense of pride that comes with life’s most significant gains.
But a well-designed, hard-earned badge can help provide focus and add to that sense of pride.
Badges are essential to celebrating significant milestones, but the more you put in, the more you get back.
Get all the badges to become your best, most resilient version.
However, here at The Resilient Life™, we wanted to make the Badge system even more powerful and meaningful.
We did this by tying nearly every Success Badge to your Readiness Score.
You see, each Badge is broken down into several requirements.
Each requirement is worth 1 Readiness Point.
So, as you work towards earning your Success Badges, you’ll also be earning Readiness Score points.
So, even if you cannot accomplish all the requirements to earn a Success Badge today.
You’ll be rewarded with Readiness Score points along the way.
This is the BEST way to protect your family and make society stronger…
By embracing hardship and struggle while doing something meaningful.
And THAT’s what “The Resilient Life” is all about!
But don’t just take my word for it…
What Others Are Saying… 🔥
Here are just a few quotes from folks who’ve joined TRL:
Now, here’s the deal:
Building and managing ‘The Resilient Life” takes me an immense amount of time & energy.
I wish I could automate this, but it wouldn’t be very good, right?
Instead, I’m offering:
- a genuine community and
- A gamified prepping system with challenges and badges
It’s sort of like a martial arts ‘Dojo for Preppers.’
Now think about how much a membership to high-quality Dojo costs… 🤔
I’ll tell you:
I’m working on my black belt, which costs me about $2,000 annually.
But it’s worth it because it makes me:
- Healthier / Stronger
- Mentally Tougher
- Building Relationships
And it’s THAT level of community and growth ‘The Resilient Life’ provides to preppers.
But I fully understand that $2,000 per year is too steep for most folks…
And I wanted to create something regular folks could afford.
So, I’m pricing “The Resilient Life” to be high quality AND affordable.
And to show you how serious I am …
If you order today, I’ll throw in a couple of bonus gifts…
🎁 Bonus Gift 1. Clickable Checklists
First, you’ll get my clickable checklists…
I created these to help folks better track their Bug Out Bag Builds and Preppers Supplies.
That way, you won’t overlook something critical.
They’re a unique product I’ve never seen anywhere else on the web…
Each checklist is worth $17 as a stand-alone product.
🎁 Bonus Gift 2. The Ultimate Survival Bundle
I’ll also throw in my Ultimate Survival Bundle.
Get all 14 Skilled Survival Survival Guides & 8 Survival Reports shown below:
These guides cover all the survival and preparedness basics from a trusted expert …ME.
They’re perfect to read AFTER you finish implementing your Prep Plan.
Trust me, you’ll want to print and stash these guides in your survival library ASAP.
The Ultimate Survival Bundle used to sell for $179.60.
Ok, so let’s recap:
- Each interactive checklist is worth $17 x 2 = $34
- I sell the Ultimate Survival Bundle for $179.60
So, for JUST the bonuses, you’re getting $213.70 worth of value.
And honestly, the ‘Personal Prep Plan’ is worth a TON more than either of these bonuses…
Why? Because it’s PERSONALIZED and takes more of my time to build.
I honestly should be charging at least $2000 for it.
That would mean the Plan, Checklists, & Guides are worth at least $2,213.70 in total value.
But I know times are tough, and I want to help as many folks as possible…
So, while I realize I’m about to leave money on the table… I also know most folks CAN’T afford a $2,000+ product.
So, I’m pricing The Resilient Life Membership (plus the bonuses) for just $ per year.
Because the fewer Fragile folks living in our society, the stronger our society becomes. 💪
At $294, I can continue investing in a program that strengthens YOU and all TRL members.
So, if you buy today, you’ll get ALL the following:
- 1 Year TRL Membership (worth $2000)
- Clickable Bug Out Bag Checklist (worth $17)
- Clickable Prepping Supplies Checklist (worth $17)
- The Ultimate Survival Bundle (worth $179.60, which includes):
- The Ultimate Bug Out Plan
- Water Purification Survival Guide
- Shelter Survival Guide
- Food Acquisition Survival Guide
- Food Stockpiling Survival Guide
- Navigation Survival Guide
- Evasion Survival Guide
- Firecraft Survival Guide
- Firearms Survival Guide
- Hand-To-Hand Combat Survival Guide
- Knives & Stabbing Weapons Survival Guide
- Power Generation Survival Guide
- Rescue & Signaling Survival Guide
- Bunker Survival Guide
- 9 Essential Long Shelf Life Foods Survival Report
- Daily Calorie Needs Per Family Member Survival Report
- Make The Most Of Your Range Time Survival Report
- Bug Out Bag Checklist Survival Report
- 11 Last Resort Water Sources Survival Report
- Universal Edibility Test Survival Report
- 6 Fire Starting Hacks Survival Report
Again, you’ll get $2,213.70 worth of value for just an annual cost of just $294!
And if, for ANY reason, you’re not completely satisfied with TRL, I offer a Rock-Solid 60-day Money-Back Guarantee!
This makes your purchase Completely Risk-Free…
Just email “,” and I’ll issue you a FULL refund, NO questions asked.
Heck, I’ll even eat the credit card fees…
It’s a “no-brainer” opportunity to join the newest / best-prepping association, “The Resilient Life.”
To sleep better, to have more peace in your home, to laugh more, and to fret less about the tough times ahead.
- You’ve heard my thoughts about embracing hardship, struggle, and resiliency (so you know TRL is legit)
- I added 2 additional high-quality bonus gifts and slashed the price
- And I’ve put my rock-solid 60-day guarantee on the entire package
Now it’s decision time.
The Way I See It… You Have 3 Options:
Option 1. Do absolutely nothing and stay exactly where you are right now.
Maybe you’re OK going about your life as it is… If that’s YOU, best of luck…
But I do find it odd you’re still reading this… because IF you weren’t interested in TRL, you would have stopped reading this long ago…Just sayin’
Option 2. Do it yourself.
You can spend countless hours researching and figuring out your ‘Areas of Max Impact’ and then researching hundreds of potential solutions.
You can find ways to challenge yourself and hold yourself accountable.
And this CAN work IF you’re highly self-motivated – but be careful:
You’ll miss many opportunities to grow and connect without a group of like-minded folks you can trust.
Getting the skills of a blackbelt in Taekwondo by yourself may technically be possible – it’s just NOT THE SAME.
I think the same goes for building a Resilient Life!
Option 3. Join a group of like-minded folks you can trust…
Folks who will help you through challenging questions, hold you accountable, and celebrate when you succeed.
Of these three options, ask yourself…
What’s Going to Be Easier for You?
You see, there are two types of people in this world…
1. ‘The Fragile Masses’ / “Messy Middle”
Those who dream about being part of “The Resilient Few” but never quite get there…
2. ‘The Resilient Few’
Those willing to take action when the opportunity presents itself and stop living a life fragile to future chaos…
Most people will tell you they WANT to be more resilient.
But we both know very few actually make it happen.
Most people will keep fretting about their future yet do nothing to fix it.
But since you’re reading this right now, I think you’re ready to act.
Someone who finally wants the peace of mind that joining ‘The Resilient Life’ brings.
If I’m right and you’re still with me… I’m ready to meet you inside.
But only YOU can decide.
So click here now to go to the order form page, where you can review EVERYTHING first and check out when you’re ready.
Then, as soon as you’re order comes through, I’ll:
- You’ll get the login / welcome information to TRL
- Your first challenge email shortly after…
Click here now for more information AND to join today.
“Just In Case” Jack