Self Defense Weapons: Best Ones For Insanely Strong Protection

By Will Brendza | Updated: 02/08/2024

Self Defense WeaponsAn Ultimate List Of Alternative Self Defense Weapons

Because no matter your size, sex, or disposition… Self-defense weapons can level the playing field.

But which one is best for you? That’s the real question. Should you go with pepper spray, a stun gun, or maybe a tactical pen (because who knew writing could be so dangerous)?

Today, I’m going to break down all the latest self-defense options, so you can pick the one that suits you best.

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Modern Day Self Defense Weapons

Since ancient times, much has changed:

  • Fights have gotten dirtier
  • Technology has gotten better
  • The martial discipline has diminished

And weapons, well, they’ve changed as well.

Today, we have a staggering variety of modern-day weapons. For example: Check out his newly released Lifeshield Self-Defense bundle from Survival Frog:

1. Top Recommendation
SURVIVAL FROG LifeShield Self-Defense Kit

This self-defense kit from Survival Frog includes three key self-defense weapons:

  1. Pepper Gel / Spray
  2. Personal Alarm
  3. Stun Gun

The personal alarm is meant to be added to a keychain.

While the other two devices easily fit in a survival bag or purse.

However, this bundle is for you if you're serious about self-defense without firearm training.

Why? Because:

  • Great for those who are not comfortable with guns
  • Safe for users (but really bad for an attacker)
  • Non-lethal injury to keep you out of jail
  • Temporary disable gives you time to getaway
  • Compact enough to keep in a purse or bag
  • Easy to use, no training required

You can take care of all your self-defense needs and upgrade your keychain with a single purchase.

Check Today's Price
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↓ Survival Frog Personal Defense Kit Review

1. Taser

The police use Tasers to apprehend criminals. Civilians use them for self-defense. And a few sick people use them as a prank on their friends. But if you’ve ever seen a real taser shocking a real person, you know they’re NOT toys.

These powerful weapons are compact. Making them small enough to fit inside a pocket or purse.

Some are handheld and require direct contact. Others are fired from a pistol using a gas canister. But they all pack a nasty punch. And when used against an attacker, they can render them immobile to ensure your escape.

Plus, they are classified as nonlethal weapons. So you don’t have to worry about killing someone you used it on (unless they wear a pacemaker).

They also make stun gun flashlights – which go together like peanut butter and jelly.

↓ Good Budget Full-Size Stun Gun Vipertek VTS-989

2. Mace / Pepper Spray

Pepper Spray is a classic, easy-to-use weapon. It’s cheap and easy to use.

It’s made to burn every pore of human flesh chemically it comes into contact with.

When sprayed into the face or the exposed genitals of a male assailant, it will drop them to their knees.

Earlier this year, I read an interesting news article. It was about a man hospitalized after eating one Carolina Reaper.

It’s one of the hottest chili pepper known to man – at around 2,000,000 Scoville Heat Units! This pepper causes intense dry heaves, blinding headaches, and some near-stroke symptoms.

But what if the “pepper” in a pepper spray was that powerful?

FOX Labs is measured at 5,300,000 SHU – an astounding 265% hotter than the Carolina Reaper!

It can spray this blinding defense juice up to 17 to 20 feet.

FOX Labs Pepper Spray is used by Police, Law Enforcement, Security, and Military agencies worldwide.

↓ Fox 5.3 SHU Pepper Spray Test

3. Brass Knuckles

ZAP™ BLAST Product Image - KNUCKLES STUN GUN BLACK W/ HOLSTER 950KNothing says “badass” quite like brass knuckles.

Punching with brass knuckles is more like striking someone with a medieval flail. These can be pretty brutal when put to real use.

So be sure you have the stomach for a hemorrhaging face, brain fluid, and nasal matter.

One downside is there are lots of places you can’t legally take them (i.e., anywhere with a metal detector). Maybe you should get some with a Taser built-in…like these Zap Blast Knuckles?

↓ Zap Blast Knuckles Extreme Stun Gun Review

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4. Credit Card Knives

These handy blades are conveniently disguised as credit cards. You can quickly slip them out of your wallet and into the jugular artery of your attacker.

But they all make a decent last-resort weapon in a pinch.

↓ Boker Credit Card Knife Review

NOTE: At the time of writing, you could get 2 of these credit card knives for FREE when you paid the S&H.

5. Tactical Pens

The best everyday carry weapons double as ordinary everyday objects.

The tactical pen is a perfect example of this.

It works just like a pen and looks like a pen. But when a dangerous situation rears its ugly head, it can be used to jab, stab, and batter the living hell out of an opponent.

Some of them even double as multi-tools.

I’ve seen ones containing knives, scrapers, screwdrivers, and even flashlights.



For example – The StrikePen is a whole pocketful of EDC tools rolled into one milled aluminum package.

From the bright LED flashlight to the interchangeable tooltips.

The StrikePen is a serious piece of survival gear.

The solid tungsten steel striker tip makes it an excellent close-quarters weapon. Plus, it doubles as an emergency glass breaker!

Of course, it wouldn’t be a StrikePEN if it didn’t write with a smooth black ball-tip point.

The bottom line is: If you know how to use a tactical pen properly, it can easily drop a threat.

↓ ApeSurvival Strikepen Black – Reviewed

6. The StrikeLight

When you awake in the middle of the night to investigate a noise – do you take a flashlight or a baseball bat? With the StrikeLight, you take both!

It includes a powerful LED flashlight and multiple light modes. The best mode is a disorienting strobe setting.

With a StrikeLight, you’ll intimate a threat and head off a more serious altercation.

If the situation goes from bad to worse, the solid aluminum construction lets you use the light as a baton.

Plus, the aggressive teeth and endpoints make quick work of anyone on the receiving end of your swing. If you need a little more reach, this expandable baton provides another 4 inches with the twist of a wrist.

That’s 4 more inches of intimidation!

↓ StrikeLight Review – Tactical Self-Defense Torch Light

7. Monkey Fist

One of my favorite self-defense tools is also one of the oldest – a Monkey Fist Knot.

The monkey fist surrounds a heavy ball wrapped with paracord rope. They’re also great at throwing a length of rope over a tree branch. Or making a devastating close-quarters weapon.

↓ Monkey Fist Vs. Cement Block

Ancient Weapons For Self Defense

Back in the day, before tasers and mace, people used their hands or a hand-held instrument to protect themselves.

8. Hands And Feet

There are weapons attached to your body – IF you know how to use them correctly. And while it may seem obvious, it’s still worth pointing out.

With proper training, body parts become lethal weapons for self-defense.

It’s difficult to overstate the usefulness of these hand and feet-only arts. We’re talking about martial art forms such as:

  • Karate
  • Taekwondo
  • Hapkido
  • Aikido
  • Jujitsu
  • Muy Thai
  • Krav maga

If you can become proficient in any of them, you will never be unarmed – even in your sleep. But if you don’t want to spend months and hours in a Dojo to learn these skills, The Combat Fighter online course is your next best option.

9. The QuarterStaff

The staff (or walking stick) is one of the most basic, most effective self-defense tools known to man.

The staff has been trendy throughout history for two main reasons:

1. A Staff is innocent-looking.

People often carry them for walking, hiking, or to look cool.

2. They can be lethal in the right hands.

Staffs are great because they easily parry attacks. Plus, they’re cheap, and they pack a wallop.

There are long staffs, bo staffs, jo staffs, hiking staffs, walking staffs, even canes kind of count. And they all have specific defenses you can learn from an instructor.

If you want to be proficient with a fighting staff, try reading this highly-rated book, and put it into practice.

↓ Bo Staff, Top 10 Spins and Strikes…

10. The Sword or Machete

The sword is famous for being the weapon of choice for most of history.

It’s lethal, personal, and comes in almost every shape, style, and size imaginable. However, they take considerable skill to wield effectively. But if you become a katana or a saber expert, you become a death knight.

Or better yet, get a more practical large blade – The Survival Machete.

11. Tonfa/Nightstick

Product Image - ROTHCO® FIBERGLASS POLICE TONFA BATONIf you’re familiar with a tonfa, you understand how nasty it can be to be on the wrong end of them.

The nightsticks police officers use are based on the tonfa design (an “L” shape). They are traditionally wielded in pairs, but a single one will do just as well.

A nightstick is deadly if you can whip one of these bad boys out and strike your attacker in the head.

12. Nunchucks

Nunchucks are made famous by Bruce Lee and look harder to use than they are.

You don’t have to be Bruce Lee to use a pair of these effectively.

Some basic strikes are easy for anyone to learn, regardless of skill level.

Not only that, but they come in some very compact, very discreet sizes. You can easily hide a set in your vehicle’s center console, backpack, or purse.

Plus, they look freakin’ awesome.

Pros and Cons Of Ancient Weapons

The pros of any of these martial weapons are obvious.

First off, they’re badass. If you can fight off a gang of muggers using a pair of nunchucks or a katana, you are going down as a legend of the streets.

The cons, however, are just as obvious. This is the year 2018, and people don’t often go around carrying walking staffs or swords.

Some of these (like the nunchucks) can be concealed. But by in large, chances are, when trouble occurs, it won’t be when your trusty tonfa is tucked away in your Bobak.

Chances are it will catch you unawares and unprepared, as trouble always seems to.

Weird Weapons For Self Defense

We had to include them because they are strange, unique, and irregular. Some are not practical at all. Some might work, but they’re all weird and wacky.

Who knows, though, maybe you’ll find one perfect for you.

That one-off, insane weapon that strikes your fancy and fits your lifestyle. Or, you’ll get a couple of chuckles out of this section.

Either way, it’s worth including.

13. Tri-Section Staff

There’s a fair chance you’ll knock yourself out using one of these, then cause any harm to the attacker.

If you haven’t been properly trained with a tri-section staff, beware.

You will undoubtedly walk away from an attempt to use a tri-section staff with many bruises. If you’re a master of Chinese martial weapons, go for it.

If not, well, you might be better off with a Taser.

↓ Kung Fu – 3 Sectional Staff – So Smooth!

14. Hyper Whistle

Sometimes it’s best to scare off a threat before it can reach you. With 142dB sound levels, The HyperWhistle is disorienting and painful at close quarters.

It’s against human nature to attack someone with a 142dB alarm going off!  Even if your attacker persists, this loud whistle will draw attention from as far as two miles away.

A survival whistle is a smart device to add to your self-defense arsenal.

15. Cell Phone Stun Guns

There are companies out there that sell stun guns disguised as a smartphone. They work, but you’ll have to carry two phones (the real one and the stun gun one).

You might as well buy a stun gun/taser at that point.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to using weapons for self-defense, it’s all means necessary.

You use whatever you have to to keep yourself safe and protected.

If that means carrying a katana everywhere you go, so be it… I guess. But you can also carry mace, extending batons, and tasers.

These are more practical weapons for the same purposes.

We aren’t here to tell you how to defend yourself, though.

Choose the weapon you like and that you will feel most comfortable using. However, some people may use weapons for evil, too.

In the wrong hands, they can become weapons of offense.

That is not only dangerous to others, but it’s also outright dishonorable.

Use any weapons for self-defense only. Use them for good. Because once you get that kind of power in your hands – you have a moral choice.

How will you conduct yourself? How do you choose to survive?

Prepare, Adapt & Overcome,

P.s. - I just found out 2 out of 3 Americans don’t feel prepared for a 3 day disaster!!!

I guess this goes to show how modern society continues to embrace ‘living a fragile life.’ What’s crazy is… it’s so easy to fix.

To make sure YOU have the basics, watch our FREE training on “10 Simple Steps To Basic Preparedness” that shows you HOW.

Nothing crazy here… this isn’t doomsday prepping... just the basics every responsible adult should have before a disaster strikes.

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