Paracord Projects: 17 Useful Survival Tools You Can Make Today

By SS Contributor | Updated: 01/14/2025

Paracord Projects - close up of a paracord bracelet being braided 1Today, I’ve got an epic compilation of paracord projects that shows you how to create them and explains why they’re essential. Because paracord is more than just a fun craft—it’s one of my favorite survival tools.

It’s tough as nails, doesn’t deteriorate, and won’t soak up water. In my book, it’s a must-have survival item for everyone. So, let’s dive into some of the coolest paracord projects you can tackle right now!

Pro Tip: You might want to bookmark this page for quick reference! Trust me, you’ll thank yourself later.

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1. Paracord Belt For Survival

Let’s ditch the ordinary leather belts. Sure, they’ll hold your pants up, maybe act as a makeshift tourniquet in a pinch, but that’s about it.

Imagine instead having a paracord belt—it’s not just for holding up your pants; it’s for turning survival situations into stories you’ll tell around the campfire. With a paracord belt, you’re not counting feet; you’re measuring in yards of life-saving cordage!

↓How To Make A Survival Paracord Belt

A paracord belt is like having hundreds of feet of survival-ready cordage wrapped around you. Whether you’re setting up a shelter, creating traps, or fashioning emergency repairs, this belt has your back with its 550-pound strength.

Pro Tip: Invest in a paracord jig—it’ll make your projects tighter and more professional, letting you experiment with different colors and designs effortlessly.

Check out this highly-rated, affordable paracord jig here.

2. Paracord Bullwhip

Ever wanted to channel your inner cowboy survivalist? A paracord bullwhip isn’t just a tool—it’s a statement. Crack this whip, and you’ll hear a sound that demands attention—a mini sonic boom that tells the wild world you’re here to survive.

↓How to Make a Paracord Bullwhip

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3. Paracord Lanyard

Lanyards aren’t just for keys and whistles—they’re for expressing your survival style. A paracord lanyard is like wearing a strand of versatility around your neck, ready for anything from emergency whistles to essential tools.

↓Making a Hunting Lanyard with Survival Paracord

4. Paracord Rifle Sling

If you’re a hunter or survivalist, a sturdy paracord rifle sling is more than just a convenience—it’s a game-changer. Made from reliable 550 paracord, it’s not just about carrying your rifle; it’s about ensuring you’re always ready for action in the wild.

↓Easy Paracord Rifle Sling

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5. Giant Paracord Monkey Fist

5. Giant Paracord Monkey Fist

A monkey fist is a dangerous survival weapon.

It’s a hard round object wrapped in Paracord and then used to strike with.

Many people use a small object like a marble or a small rock in the center.

But you need something larger to make a giant paracord monkey fist.

A pool ball or a steel ball bearing is the ideal round hard object for a giant monkey fist.

Wrap a pool ball with Paracord, and you have a deadly homemade weapon you can add to your bug-out bag.

Note: Of course, only use such a weapon as this for self-defense; it can inflict severe damage and could kill someone.

↓GIANT GORILLA (monkey) fist tutorial!

6. Jeep Paracord Grab Handles

This tutorial is the most unique paracord ideas I’ve ever seen.

Jeep grab handles (a.k.a “Oh-Crap Handles’) are useful and excellent for survival.

Adding these to an off-road vehicle (such as a jeep) gives you and your passenger something to grab onto when you are doing gnarly rock crawling.

Plus, with these installed in your vehicle, you won’t be without a ton of Paracord if you get in a bind while rock crawling.

↓How to: Make Your Own Jeep Paracord Grab Handles

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7. Paracord Snow Shoes

Have you ever hiked in waist-deep snow…post-holing the entire way?

Trust me…it’s exhausting.

If you find yourself lost in deep snow, then learning how to make a set of paracord snowshoes will save your life.

You can make a set of paracord snowshoes today and then attach them to your bug-out bag.

The bottom line is:

This is an extremely useful project

↓How To Make a Paracord M67 Grenade Tutorial

8. Paracord Wallet For Altoids Tin

As many survivalists have discovered, an Altoids Tin is a perfect container for organizing your small survival gear.

I keep a few fish hooks, lead weights, fishing line, safety pins, fire tinder, and a Bic lighter in my Altoids tin.

Then I keep that tin in my bug out bag.

However, the metal tin used to make a racket when it bounced against my other gear.

Now with a paracord wrap, it’s easy to carry and silent.

↓Altoid Tin Pouch (Survivalist Tin)


9. Paracord Survival Hammock

Paracord has the right strength and stretches to make a survival hammock.

As you’ll see in the video below, making one takes a lot of work.

Nevertheless, it can still be a very skill to learn.

↓How to Make A Paracord Hammock

10. Paracord Snare Trap Rig

Did you know you can make an effective snare trap with some paracord?

They can be effective, but remember; you’ll succeed more if you set up several of these and not just one.

So set up a dozen or so in the woods and return after a couple of days, and you might have snagged a rabbit or squirrel.

↓Survival Snare Trapping Using  Paracord

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11. Paracord Bow Sling

Many bowhunters swear by a bow sling, while others don’t see the point.

If you plan to hunt from a tree stand, you don’t want to have to hold your bow the entire time.

You’ll want to keep a relaxed shooting hand while sitting in the tree for hours waiting for your prey to arrive.

A fatigued hand won’t be as accurate as a fresh one.

↓Paracord Bow Sling

12. Bottle Harness

With a small amount of 550 paracord, you can make a simple bottle harness.

So the nice thing about this project is it’s adaptable for any sized bottle.

When complete, you should be able to slip it around the neck of any bottle, and then it will cinch down.

So if you’re planning a long hike, you’ll want your hands free and not carrying a water bottle.

This project eliminates that dilemma.

↓Knot of the Week – Bottle Sling


13. Paracord Bracelet For Fishing and Survival

Thousands of people have made tutorials on how to make a survival bracelet.

I wasn’t planning to add another one of those tutorials to this page until I came across this one.

Because it’s an upgrade from a regular bracelet to a fishing paracord bracelet that allows you to incorporate fishing tackle.

That way, if you ever end up in a real survival scenario, you won’t just have 550 paracord…

You’ll also have some basic fishing tackle as well.

As a survivalist…why wouldn’t you make this version of a paracord bracelet?

↓Paracord Fishing & Survival Bracelet

Of course, to make a paracord bracelet, you need the right hardware; a buckle or shackle.

14. Paracord Keychain: Quick Deploy Survival Key Fob

If you need a bit of Paracord fast, you’ll want a quick deploy key fob.

First, it’s attached to your key chain, so you’ll know it’s always with you.

Second, you pull the cord for quick deployment.

As a result, no knots, no fuss, just 550 paracord ready to use in a matter of seconds…nice.

Plus, it’s a good project for beginners.

↓Simple Paracord: Quick Deploy Key Fob

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15. Survival Knife Handle Wrap

Sure, you can add a wood handle to your naked knife blade handle, which is a challenging project in its own right.

Or you could make your knife blade even more useful by adding 550 paracord.

Just wrap it thoroughly and tight to create a nice comfortable knife handle.

↓Benchmade 375 Handle Wrap Demo

16. Paracord Survival Donut

Want to pack a ton of Paracord into your bug out bag without taking up much space?

Reality Survival will show us how to make a paracord survival donut.

If this is done right, you can pack a massive amount of Paracord into a small space.

In addition, you should also focus on making a paracord donut that will unravel quickly without any knotting issues.

↓How To Make A Paracord Donut

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17. Paracord Dog Collar

If you have a four-legged companion during a hike or bug out, why not make them a paracord dog collar?

Not only does it look good for your dog.

But it also helps make it more useful and resourceful from a survival standpoint.

As a result, it’s a win-win.

↓Paracord Dog Collar COBRA WEAVE

3 Surprising Myths About Paracord

Myth 1: All Paracord is Created Equal

One of the most common misconceptions is that all paracord is the same.

In reality, there are different types and grades of paracord, each designed for specific purposes.

The most common is Type III 550 paracord, so named because it has a minimum breaking strength of 550 pounds.

However, there are also Type I and Type II cords, which have lower breaking strengths and are more suitable for lightweight tasks.

Knowing the right type of paracord for your needs is crucial; otherwise, you might find yourself in a tough spot when the cordage doesn’t perform as expected.

Myth 2: Paracord is Indestructible

Paracord’s reputation for being nearly indestructible is well-deserved, but it’s not immune to wear and tear.

Over time, exposure to UV rays, moisture, and friction can weaken the cord’s fibers, reducing its strength.

Also, if the cord has been subjected to heavy loads or severe stress, it might not perform up to its full potential.

Regular inspection and replacement of damaged or worn paracord should be a standard practice for any outdoor enthusiast or survivalist.

Myth 3: Paracord is the End-All, Be-All Survival Tool

While paracord is undoubtedly a versatile tool, it can’t replace essential survival skills and other gear.

It’s not a substitute for knowledge, training, or the right equipment. It can’t start a fire, filter water, or provide shelter on its own.

Instead, think of paracord as an invaluable addition to your survival kit, a tool that enhances your ability to improvise and adapt in the wild.

Final Thoughts

That’s all 17 cool survival paracord projects for preppers…which should keep you busy.

What makes Paracord so powerful is its so many uses; we came up with 35 paracord uses for survival. Doing several of these projects ensures you’ll never be in a dire situation without Paracord.

So use it to make grip handles, slings, lanyards, bracelets, snowshoes, a hammock, collars, etc. and enjoy!

Prepare, Adapt & Overcome,

P.s. - I just found out 2 out of 3 Americans don’t feel prepared for a 3 day disaster!!!

I guess this goes to show how modern society continues to embrace ‘living a fragile life.’ What’s crazy is… it’s so easy to fix.

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Nothing crazy here… this isn’t doomsday prepping... just the basics every responsible adult should have before a disaster strikes.

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