Today I’ve got something really important to share…
A Guide On Whether YOU Should Bug In Or Bug Out In An Emergency
Because no matter how you look at it, regardless of the disaster, you’ll have two choices.
- You can either stay inside your house, hoping the insanity will end soon
- Or you can bug out to no man’s land or your safe location.
Both are plausible…but there’s a TON of confusion around them
That’s why when I hear people say,
I know what I’ll do, I’ll just bug in no matter what!” or “I don’t need a stockpile, I’ll bug out and never look back!
I shake my head…NEVER assume things will go one way during a disaster!
TOPICS IN THIS GUIDE… ↓(click to jump)
- When To Bug Out vs. Bug In
- 7 Reasons Why You Need A Plan
- Which Choice Is Best For You?
- 3 Dangerous Bugging Out Myths
- Compare This With Bug-In Situations
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Bugging out is a tough call, that’s for sure.
- You’re abandoning your home
- You’re putting yourself into the unknown
- You may or may not have a destination to go to
- There will be all sorts of dangers along the way
When you’re bugging out, you only eat what you can carry.
After that, you must find ways to hunt, fish, forage, or get food from someone else.
You’ll also need the knowledge to cook it.
Plus, a bug out location means you must invest in some land.
And establishing a survival cabin or shelter to keep you safe.
You’ll also have to split your stockpiles between your home and BOL.
There a TON to think about and plan for.
So take your time, do your research, but NEVER assume thing will go just one way.
If you want to survive any emergency or disaster, you must Prepare, Adapt AND Overcome!
7 Reasons Why You Needs A Bug Out Plan
The only certainty about SHTF is that it’s totally unpredictable.
Emergency circumstances can change every hour (or even every minute).
It’s impossible to assume you can bug in or out ahead of time.
For example:
Here’s a video where I give 7 reasons why EVERYONE should prepare for a bug out:
↓ 7 Reasons Why EVERYONE Needs a Bug Out Bag
So, which plan should you put MORE focus on?
Most preppers prefer bug-in scenarios.
To stockpile a safe place ahead of time.
Or some folks are lucky enough have a bug out location.
The key is knowing ahead of time whether you’re in a danger zone county or not.
Because large cities will turn into hell-scapes when everyone is starving and there’s no law and order.
Just look at any war torn city, where theft, abuse, and murder become the norm.
So IF you live in danger zone county, you need a solid bug out plan.
Want a free 78 item bug out bag checklist?
Enter your email below to instantly download this Complete Checklist PDF. No purchase necessary. 👇 👇Of course, there are some expectations to any rule:
1. Your severely disabled.
Believe it or not, some preppers simulate bugging out with a disabled loved one.
This helps the figure out how possible bugging out is.
And if it IS possible, they’re able to prepare, adapt and overcome.
To find workarounds to these challenges BEFORE they’re put to the ultimate test.
But it’s also helpful to know bugging out IS NOT an option.
That way, you can put more focus on home fortification plans.
2. You have ample means to defend your home.
You’ve stocked lots of guns and ammo.
You’ve fortified your doors and windows.
You are ready to defend against:
- Dangerous rioters
- Armed gangs patrolling the streets
- Waves of home invasions
Of course, if your house is in the middle of a city, airstrikes may force you out anyway.
Bombs can make one reconsider and bug out in desperation.
But leaving in haste, without a plan, in place is a good way to die.
So even if you’d prefer to bug in, you should have a bug out plan…just in case.
3. You already live in a very remote area.
Remote, rural areas will have fewer starving people knocking on your door.
And fewer people trying to take what you have.
Maybe you can even get off the grid and self-sufficient.
Meaning you won’t have to rely on much outside help to survive.
Your already living in a “bug out location” so you don’t really need a plan B for SHTF.
But that doesn’t mean you can ignore normal time evacuation emergencies – like a wildfire.
4. You’re pregnant or have very young children.
Bugging out while pregnant or with infants would be a disaster.
It puts all your lives in danger.
Now perhaps you don’t have kids yet.
But if you intend to have children someday, this is something to keep in mind.
5. You have a strong survival coalition you can count on.
When chaos breaks loose, you can (and should) help each other.
But only IF everyone can:
- Trust each other
- And pull their own weight
If your coalition has this things, then sharing food, water, meds, guns, ammo, supplies, tools, just makes sense.
And leaving such a strong team doesn’t.
3 Dangerous Bugging Out Myths
Myth 1. “I’ll bug out like a superhero.”
Look, I get it, we’ve all seen those action-packed movies where the protagonist effortlessly navigates through chaos.
But real life ain’t no Hollywood script.
Bugging out should be your last resort, not your go-to adventure.
It’s about calculated decisions, not recklessness.
So, don’t plan on charging into the wild unknown like Rambo.
Instead, focus on having a well-stocked bug-in location and a solid plan for staying put if conditions allow.
But also plan for a forced evacuation scenario or a get out of dodge plan.
Myth 2. “I’ll just live off the land.”
We’ve all seen those survival shows where folks whip up a gourmet meal out of sticks and berries.
But it’s NOT reality folks.
Living off the land is no walk in the park.
It takes years of knowledge and experience to sustain yourself with what nature provides.
Plus, the wild buffet can be pretty unpredictable.
And you might find yourself battling hunger, illness, or worse.
Pack your bug-out bag with enough food to get you to a safe location.
A place you KNOW ahead of time has supplies to live off of.
And if you’re planning on foraging, you better start practicing now.
Myth 3. “Bugging out means total isolation.”
This one’s a bit trickier.
While avoiding people in a crisis is move, completely isolating yourself is not.
Human beings are social creatures.
And joining forces with the RIGHT folks can increase your chances of survival.
Just remember, trust is earned, not given.
Form alliances carefully, and make sure your fellow survivors share your values and goals.
Now, Let’s Compare This With Bug-In Situations
You technically have to stay inside your home and protect it.
You’ve should have your food and water stockpiled.
A good stock should last you for months, even years, without having to scavenge for more.
You might even have some board games for entertainment.
Bugging out is much harder to plan for, and I think it’s the main reason people don’t like it.
Most preppers stockpile and prefer bugging in.
Why? Because it’s easier to plan for.
And takes less skill, and skills are hard to master.
Some folks are unfit and even overweight.
And bugging out will require strength, stamina, and flexibility.
People tend to prefer planning for the things that seem easy because they think bugging in or out is a choice.
It’s not a choice (at least not one that you can make now) because no one knows how SHTF will unfold.
If you want to prepare for one more than for the other, be my guest.
But please don’t ignore bugging out simply because it seems too hard.
Prepare, Adapt & Overcome,
P.s. - I just found out 2 out of 3 Americans don’t feel prepared for a 3 day disaster!!!
I guess this goes to show how modern society continues to embrace ‘living a fragile life.’ What’s crazy is… it’s so easy to fix.
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P.s - I just took this FREE 60-second 'Readiness Score Quiz'👇AND... I've still got a few gaps in my preps...🤔 But at least, I'm not part of 'The Fragile Masses'. 👍 Find out where YOU stand by answering a few questions...
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Bug Out Bag Weight: How To Reduce Every Deadly Pound
Advanced tactics to reduce your bug out bag weight because a heavy bug out pack will slow you down. And a slow getaway can get you killed.
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Best Survival Retreat: How To Secure Your Own Safe Haven
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